4 Situations When You Should Opt For Ready Mix Concrete

If you are planning your next concrete project, the first thing you need to do is approach an experienced concrete supplier. It is a very durable and low-maintenance construction material which helps in providing thermal mass and reduces the energy consumption of buildings. There are numerous concrete suppliers scattered all over Bromley. Look for one utilising the latest machinery and techniques to pump ready mix concrete into places where you need it. There are a few situations when using ready mix concrete, becomes necessary and you can complete your complicated construction project fast.

Opt For Ready Mix Concrete

Few Situations When Opting For Ready Mix Concrete Becomes Necessary

·   Require Customised Product

You can easily customise the mix of cement to other ingredients as ready mixed concrete is generally manufactured by concrete suppliers at a batch plant as and when required. Though you can use dry concrete when customisation is required, the level of customisation offered by local suppliers of ready mix concrete is always more. Customised concrete can be put to various uses on a construction site so you can get better value for money.

·   Volume Is Required

If you are planning to undertake a large construction project, opting for ready mix concrete is highly advisable as dry concrete is only suitable for small projects. You will require a bulk amount of concrete when building a yard. You can also save a few money, by opting for ready mix concrete instead of dry concrete for large projects. The easiest way to conduct a price comparison is by visiting your local concrete supplier.

· Consistency Has To Be Maintained

You have to add water with dry cement for every batch. It becomes a challenge for construction workers to get consistent batches and complete concrete work to the highest standards. If you are undertaking a project where you have to maintain a specific concrete texture (also known as a concrete slump test), opt for ready mix concrete. Renowned suppliers of ready mix concrete in Bromley use advanced scales and equipment while making large batches of ready mix concrete with identical consistency. You will get concrete of consistent quality even if you require several batches.

·   Time Is Vital

Everyone in the construction industry is aware of the importance of time, irrespective of the size of your project. Construction workers have to mix dry cement on site before placing the material. They have to open all the bags containing cement and mix water in the right quantity. This made the process very time-consuming. Ready mix concrete, on the other hand, can be delivered to be laid on sites efficiently and without wasting your time and effort. Since you are now aware of the various situations when opting for ready mix concrete becomes necessary, it’s time you start looking for a renowned supplier in Bromley and reap all the benefits offered by this concrete variety.

Hire The Best Concrete Suppliers In Croydon For High-Quality Concrete Work

The focus of every construction worker is always on providing the highest standard of concrete work. If you also want your construction project to be both beautiful and durable, the first thing you need to do is to choose a renowned concrete supplier. They should have years of experience in providing high-quality concrete in Croydon. Since their focus is always on maintaining their reputation, you can stay assured that they will provide quality concrete. Just discuss your concrete needs with them, and they will suggest the best concrete variety which will help construction workers deliver great work.

concrete company Croydon

4 Factors Concrete Suppliers Consider Before Starting Concrete Work

·   Condition Of The Soil

The longevity of a specific structure is mainly dependent on the condition of the ground which it has been constructed. It is advisable to avoid land comprising of clay and fine particles if you don’t want the structure to become vulnerable to cracking. This is because it takes a long time for water to drain in the soil, which increases the water table. If you have to build the structure in such ground, make sure there are at least 2 inches of gravel or engineered soil placed below the concrete slabs.

· Dowel Pins

Dowel rods and dowel pins are generally used in civil constructions and provide a mechanical connection between two slabs without restricting its horizontal movement. Ask the contractors to use them at places where the concrete meets the foundation of your home. This prevents the concrete slab from settling in the foundation which would have otherwise drained water towards your home, flooding the crawl spaces and basements. The rebar mats help in resisting bending forces.

·   Thickness

The thickness of the concrete structure is a vital thing to consider, so stay away from contractors who are too greedy or lazy to pour concrete of sufficient depth. Not only will it harm the durability of the concrete structure, but cracks will develop all over it, and finally it will fail. If you are not sure about the proper thickness, talk with your concrete suppliers in Croydon. Generally, the poured concrete should be around 4 inches thick if you are doing some residential flatwork. You will get good concrete work if its thickness is checked before the slab is poured.

·   Control Joints

The primary task of concrete joints is to create weak points on the surface of the concrete slabs so that cracking occurs inside the joint and not on the surface. This is why they are known by the term control joints and are placed inside the concrete slab. The maximum distance between two joints should be 12 feet in each direction. Just check whether the contractors are cutting the joints to the proper depth.

Since you are now aware of the factors which impact the quality of concrete work, it’s time you start with your construction project.

3 Types Of Ready Mix Concrete Used During Construction

The easiest way to take advantage of the concrete technology is by going for ready mix concrete. They are nowadays being widely used for various domestic and commercial construction projects. Just make sure you have chosen the right material by enhancing your knowledge about the different grades of concrete. The grades are generally dependent on the composition and strength of the concrete. The best thing to do is have a talk with the supplier of ready mix concrete in Surrey and they will let you know the various types of concretes available and the benefits offered by them.

ready mix concrete Surrey

Need Ready Mix Concrete For Your Construction Project? Know Their Varieties

· Transit Mixed Concrete

They are also known as dry-batched concrete as the supplier providing it feed all the basic ingredients used to prepare this concrete variety including water into the truck mixer. While the materials are being loaded into the mixer, the drum revolves at a very charging speed. The mixer drum rotates at the normal agitating speed after all the materials have been loaded into it. Transit mixed concrete is further divided into three varieties. They are concrete mixed at the job site, concrete mixed in transit and concrete mixed in the yard.

· Shrink Mixed Concrete

This concrete variety is mixed in two parts. It is first put in the plant mixer and then the rest of the mixing is done in the truck-mounted drum mixer. How long will the concrete stay in the transit mixer is dependent on how long it has been in the central mixing plant. Concrete suppliers conduct tests to determine the amount of mixing required in the plant mixer and the truck-mounted drum mixer.

· Central Mixed Concrete

The concrete is fed into central-mixing concrete batch plants for mixing before being discharged into the truck mixer. These batch plants consist of a stationary, plant-mounted mixer. Central-mix plants are also known as pre-mix or wet batch plants. The truck mixer acts as the agitating haul unit during central mix operations. For low slump and mass concrete pours, suppliers sometimes use dump trucks.  Since you are now aware of the various types of ready mix concrete supplied, it’s time you choose one according to your construction project requirements and approach a reliable concrete supplier in Surrey.

Make Your Concrete Structures Stronger In 6 Easy Steps

Concrete is nowadays being widely used for construction as the structures used to make them are sturdier and durable. Whether you are willing to construct retaining wall, floors or foundations, use concrete and you can have complete peace of mind for years to come. Another vital reason why the demand for concrete is always quite high is that the construction material is inexpensive when compared with other building materials. If you have undertaken a construction project where very strong concrete will be necessary, there are a few easy steps you can follow.

make Concrete Structures Stronger

Few Steps To Follow For Stronger Concrete Structures

·         Step 1

Rebar or steel mesh
can be used for concrete pour reinforcement. Though various additives can be used to strengthen the pour, rebar is the most preferred choice. How strong the finished project will be is largely dependent on how much rebar you are adding in the concrete when constructing a horizontal or vertical project. The strength also increases when more bars are added.

·         Step 2

The strength of a concrete structure will be more, if the steel is in the centre of the wet concrete and not at the bottom. The easiest way to do this is by raising the rebar level in the flat pour. The rebar can be positioned using rebar chairs so that there is some distance between the rebar and the sand base.

·         Step 3

How long will it take for concrete to set is dependent on various factors, the weather being the primary among them. If the weather is too hot with little humidity, the structure will be a bit weak, as the concrete will set very fast. Such being the situation, talk with your concrete suppliers in Surrey and they will add water according to the consistency you are looking for.

·         Step 4

A water hose should be used to mist new concrete at fixed intervals on the day you are pouring it. After which you should use it for at least 3 times every day. The more time it takes for the concrete to cure, the stronger the structure will be. A strong internal bond is created when the exterior of the structure is misted for at least 3 days during the curing process.

·         Step 5

A primary reason why concrete suppliers never mix calcium with the material if the weather is cool is that it reduces the drying time. Though it speeds up the pouring process, the strength of your concrete structure reduces drastically. Calcium is one of the additives which support filtration of air in wet concrete.

·         Step 6

The easiest way through which the material can strengthen is by vibrating the wet concrete. It supports filtration of wet concrete into hard-to-reach areas and voids. The final product also becomes more solid as vibration removes small bubbles from the concrete.

Time to follow the steps stated above and approach the right concrete supplier in Surrey if you want the structure you are constructing to be stronger.

Why Choose Ready-Mix Concrete Over On-Site Mix For Your Project?

Is a domestic or commercial construction project coming up? Need high-quality concrete delivered to your site, mixed professionally and on-time? Getting ready-mix concrete supplied to your site by reputed concrete suppliers in Surrey can be your most informed decision. Wondering why you should use ready-mix instead of on-site machine mix? Read on.

Ready-Mix Concrete

Whether you are laying foundations or a shed base for new-build homes, whatever the case is, you will want a high-quality grade of concrete for your job. Choosing ready mixed concrete over machine mix is preferred by most contractors owing to many reasons. Ready-mix concrete is easy to pour and offers the perfect mix of efficiency, crucial to all kinds of construction projects. Having concrete delivered in bulk and ready to pour is ideal for every construction project.

Listed below are a few reasons to choose ready mixed material for your project.

4 Reasons To Choose Ready-Mix Concrete From The Best Concrete Suppliers In Surrey Over Machine Mix

1. Ensures High-Quality Concrete

One of the major reasons most contractors prefer ready mixed concrete is the assurance of premium quality material. With traditional material, controlling the exact water-to-cement ratio as well as the grading of aggregates is almost possible with traditional concrete. On the other hand, when you approach leading ready-mix concrete suppliers, the material comes with guaranteed quality. Ready-mix concrete boasts of a consistent quality since it is produced under controlled conditions.

2. Saves Construction Time

With machine mix concrete, you will have to order the ingredients for purchasing and stacking them on your job site from beforehand. At times, getting the job done becomes difficult since the required materials are not supplied on time. In contrast, ready mixed concrete can save you from such hassles since it’s professionally handled by the suppliers. Pre-mixed at plants and then delivered to your site, they save the mixture preparation time and reduce the time of development.

3. Lowers Cost

On-site material production involves the costs of manual labour, transportation of ingredients, concrete mixing machinery and equipment, which are costly in comparison to ready-mix concrete. On the contrary, ready mixed concrete reduces the number of labour required for mixing the raw materials and preparation of mix at the site. This way, having concrete delivered to your site from concrete suppliers in Surrey can save you a large amount of money.

4. Saves Storage Space

Finding great storage space for the raw materials of your construction project is not only challenging but also an expensive affair. You will even have to set up machinery on your site for the smooth transition of your project. In such a situation, finding space to stack concrete ingredients becomes more difficult. Ordering ready mixed concrete is the preferred option of many since it saves contractors from on-site storage. So, don’t you think ready mix concrete is a better option in comparison to site mix? Quickly find the best concrete supplier and kick-start your construction project!

Top 5 Reasons Why Concrete Is The Best Construction Material

With so many construction materials available, builders and homeowners often have a tough time choosing the best among them. The visual appeal and durability of the building you are constructing are largely dependent on the material you are opting for. The durability is a vital thing to consider,  as it will give you the assurance that your building will look good in years to come. Just make sure not to opt for the cheapest material. Instead, look for a material which offers numerous benefits like concrete.

concrete construction material

Few Reasons To Approach A Concrete Supplier In Croydon

·         Hardens Easily

Not only is concrete affordable but the material easily sets and hardens at room temperature. This means that you don’t have to spend your money on the material to gain its strength. The inorganic material can bond at low-temperature so you can use it irrespective of the weather conditions. Though it will take around 2 days for the concrete to set, the structure will cure completely in a month.

·         Customisable

One of the main reasons why the demand for concrete in Croydon has enhanced drastically in the last few years is that it can be cast into any shape according to your requirements, of your construction project. Fresh concrete is available in a liquid state which makes it flowable and so construction workers can easily pour it into any framework. The concrete mix can be adjusted to cast complex shapes.

·         Water Resistance

The water-resistance characteristics of concrete, makes it capable of withstanding water, without worrying about any serious deterioration. No wonder, it is being widely used for underwater applications like canals, submerged building structures, dams, linings, pipelines and waterfront structures. Corrosion is generally caused due to the presence of chlorides, carbon dioxide and sulphates dissolved in water.

 ·         Temperature 

Just visit renowned concrete suppliers in Croydon and you can stay assured that the material they are supplying will be capable of withstanding higher temperature, than steel and wood. The main binding ingredient of concrete is calcium silicate hydrate which is capable of withstanding almost 910oC. Being a bad conductor of heat, you can use concrete to store heat from the environment.

·         Economical

Though there are numerous engineered cementitious materials for you to choose from for your construction project, you can keep the production cost low by opting for cement concrete. Being inexpensive, it is widely used all over the world and its demand is higher than polymers, steel and other construction materials. Water, cement and aggregates are considered to be the main ingredients of concrete and are easily available in the market. Since you now know why concrete is considered to be the best construction material, it’s time you start looking for a reliable concrete supplier in Croydon and reap all the benefits stated above.  

Working With Concrete In Croydon Will Become Easier With 4 Tips

You will be surprised to know that a majority of the builders and contractors, are nowadays are choosing to work with concrete, as it can be easily used to build driveways, walkways and building without worrying about complicated storage procedures. Though working with this versatile construction material might seem to be a challenge for someone new in the industry.  Just follow the industry set standards and practices and you can work with concrete without any hassles. Your project will not only look beautiful but also last longer if you follow a few tips when working with concrete.

concrete in Croydon

Few Tips To Follow When Working With Concrete In Croydon

  •          Determine The Right Amount Of Water

    The durability of a concrete structure is largely dependent on the amount of water used to prepare the mixture. Experienced concrete suppliers in Croydon, always suggest their customers to pour water in small quantity, mix them well with the cement and wait for the water to get absorbed before adding some more. Adding excess water will make the mixture runny and working with it will become harder. A flat shovel or spade should be used to mix water with the cement properly.
  •          Choose The Right Moulds

    Though there are various materials to choose from to make the moulds, it is always advisable to use those made using melamine as it is non-porous and doesn’t allow water to escape through it. The attractive look and smooth finish of the melamine mould can be mimicked by concrete and the structure made using it will get the perfect finish. Though you can opt for cardboard mould as well, water can sweep under it and create a rough surface. The mould should also be heavy as it has to sustain the weight of the concrete.
  •          Select The Right Finish

    If you want your project to look impressive, make sure you choose the right finish when working with concrete in Croydon. Get in touch with a renowned concrete supplier and they will let you know the various ways through which you can make your project look more expensive and attractive. An impressive look can be achieved by opting for stamping, concrete dyes or acid stains.

How Concrete Suppliers In Croydon Prepare Ready Mix Concrete?

Everyone in the construction industry is aware of the importance of ready mix concrete. It is made using Portland cement, water, sand and crushed stone or gravel. A uniform concrete mass is produced when various components are mixed. Just approach an experienced concrete supplier and you don’t have to worry about the quality of the ready mix concrete you are going for your construction project.

concrete suppliers in Croydon

How Is Concrete Produced?

The silos found in a ready-mix concrete plant comprise of sand, cement, gravel and additives like plasticizers. All these components are blended together during the mixing phase. The power of gravity is used to feed the components into the preparation bin. Concrete suppliers administer the formulation carefully which helps in maintaining the quality of the concrete.

Not only is water added precisely but is consistently and continuously mixed with the concrete. A centralised computer is used to accommodate all the constraints and automate the concrete plants and ensure their reliability during the manufacturing process. The prepared concrete is then loaded into a mixer truck or transit mixer before being delivered to the construction site.

Few Raw Materials Used To Prepare Ready Mix Concrete

  • Aggregates

A majority of the ready-mix concrete mixture is made using aggregates obtained from aggregate banks and quarries. High-quality aggregates are used to ensure the durability of the structure made using concrete in Croydon.

  • Additives

The additive mixed with ready mix concrete is either liquid or solid chemical substances which are added during or before the concrete is prepared. The additives help in reducing the water content of the concrete, increases its durability or minimises the setting time.

  • Water

This is a very vital fluid mixed with the concrete. A chemical reaction occurs when water comes in contact with the cement.

  • Cement

The resistance of the concrete is largely dependent on the quality of the cement mixed while preparing it. Since the focus of renowned concrete suppliers in Croydon is on increasing the resistance power of the material, they always try to use high-grade cement.

How Is Ready Mix Concrete Produced?

After the concrete is produced, the various components are mixed to form a uniform mass of concrete. The mixing time is dependent on the type of ready mix concrete you are looking for. Concrete suppliers register the time from the moment water is put inside the cement mixer with the other materials and the mixer starts rotating. You will be surprised to know that the cement mixer keeps on revolving at a speed of two to six rotations per minute while the concrete is being transported to the site.

Since you now know how ready mix concrete is prepared, it’s time you start looking for a renowned concrete supplier offering it at a price which suits the budget of your construction project.

What To Ask When Hiring Concrete Suppliers For Your Project?

Do you need high-quality concrete for a major construction project coming up? Looking for skilled experts who can provide you with the best mix for your project? Getting ready-mix concrete from renowned concrete suppliers in Croydon can be the ideal way to get a mixture which achieves the results you desire. Wondering how to find the right supplier for your upcoming project? Asking a few vital questions is all that you need to do.

ready-mix concrete

No matter how small or big the project size is, getting ready-mix concrete from a reliable supplier can be the most viable option. With their extensive knowledge, suppliers can ensure your concrete is perfectly mixed for your specific need but, with every expert claiming to be the ‘best’concrete supplier out there, how do make an informed choice? Asking carefully chosen questions can help you ensure the specialist you choose is the perfect match for your project.

Here’s a list of questions you must ask when choosing a supplier for your project.

4 Crucial Questions To Ask Before Choosing Ready-Mix Concrete Suppliers In Croydon

1.      How Much Experience Do You Have In Supplying Concrete?

Inquiring how long the expert has been supplying ready-mix concrete to customers is a good starting place. When you interview a potential supplier, do not be shy about asking his total experience to ensure the expert is a good match for your project. You should even inquire about the kind of projects they have done before.

2.      Do You Have A Portfolio Of Pictures?

This is another key consideration to keep in mind. Many experts will be able to show you pictures of previous work directly on their phone when you meet them in-person. Established suppliers may even have a website of their own with an online portfolio for customers to check out. Remember; with suppliers who have a proven record of offering ready-mix concrete, you can be assured of getting a quality mix.

3.      Can You Provide References?

This is another vital consideration you must keep in mind when choosing concrete suppliers in CroydonBefore making any final decision, you need to ask for as well as check references regarding the quality of work. Ask the company to provide you with the references of clients they have worked for in the past and talk to the customers. This way, you will be able to know about the quality of work done by the expert as well as check their reputation.

4.      What Are The Credentials Of Your Team?

Knowing how many people will be working on your project and their credentials is another important consideration to keep in mind. Ask about the qualifications and experience of the contractors so that you can stay assured that your project is in safe hands. Inquire when the experts will be on the site and who will be on the charge. In case your contractor doesn’t have a proper answer for this, consider it as a red flag. So what are you still waiting for? Quickly find a renowned concrete supplier and get high-quality ready-mix from them!

Choose Reliable Concrete Suppliers & Benefit From Prompt Services

Do you need ready-mix concrete for an upcoming construction project? Are you on the lookout for contractors who can provide you with quality products? Choosing professional concrete suppliers in Surrey can be the ideal way to get a product which performs, whenever you want it, at fair prices. Trust us; with their years of experience, experienced suppliers can even mix concrete specific to your requirements.

concrete suppliers in surrey

No matter whether it’s a domestic or a commercial construction project, high-quality ready mix concrete can make a huge difference. And, nothing can be more beneficial than seeking the services of a dependable ready-mix concrete supplier. Choosing a knowledgeable supplier who specialises in providing efficient services and high-quality products can be the key to eliminating the hassle of making expensive mistakes throughout the project. With their years of experience, they can help you carry out your project smoothly.

Here’s all you need to know about choosing a concrete supplier and getting your project started.

3 Factors To Consider When Choosing Concrete Suppliers In Surrey

1.      Distance Of Concrete Suppliers

Look for a supplier who is close proximity to you. To begin with, you will have no delays when receiving ready-mix concrete since it needs to be poured within 90 minutes for excellent results. This way, you will end up paying more for your cement to account for higher transportation costs like fuel and time. You must find an expert supplier who is less than an hour away from your construction site.

2.      Good Online Reviews

Ask around your industry and look for customer reviews online. Seek out reputable concrete suppliers in Surrey who have a wealth of experience and enjoy good reviews for both products as well as customer service. When ordering ready-mix concrete, make sure you choose a reliable supplier who can deliver exactly what you order, on time and efficiently.

3.      Truck Sizes

If you want a large amount of ready-mix concrete for your construction project, it is always recommended to order products from a trusted supplier. Owing to their wealth of experience and extensive knowledge in the field, they have large capacity trucks to pour the concrete efficiently and quickly. Ensure you choose a supplier with a large fleet since the more trucks they have, the better will they be able to serve you without any delays.

Useful Tips To Keep Your Project Moving In The Right Direction

1.      Know The Basics

Before getting started, you must determine a few specifics like-

  • What size area you need to cover?
  • When is project completion scheduled?
  • What is the budget?

2.      Seek Valuable Advice

Utilise your supplier’s vast experience to assist you in ordering the right mix for your construction project. This will help you in getting the best ready-mix application for your individual project needs.

3.      Follow Up & Stay Connected

Once you have determined the specifics and choose the ideal ready-mix solution for your project, ensure you confirm-

  • The ready-mix solution was chosen
  • The date, job-site name and information for on-time delivery
  • Pricing to maintain the project budget compliance

Time to choose dependable concrete suppliers!